Well over six months have gone by and i am finally gettimg around to making a new blog post. As you can see it isn't high on my priority list. But thanks to all for pleadings to post some pictures, I am finally doing it.
We have had an eventful last 6 months or so. We started another new business in January, we went on a great trip to Mexico with friends, we have enjoyed the ups and downs of parenting and yes we are pregnant again. (Due Thanksgiving day)
Brock has grown up so much. He is now a little boy and not my baby. He started walking around Thanksgiving 09 and hasn't stopped. He loves to talk and just repeat the same words over and over again. His favorite thing to repeat right now is "truck truck truck". We will be driving and he will say that for 10 minutes staight, it is so fun! He loves to play outside and push anything he can push around, especially strollers. Unfortionatly we don't have a very toddler safe backyard yet so we play in the front yard which isn't my favorite. He also has loved the pool this year, he loves to splash in and have water splashed in his face, it is so cute he just laughs and laughs. We love him so much and love to watch him grow. Here are pics of him the last few months.

We went to Mazatlan Mexico in may with some friends from our ward, the Townsends and the Ravstens. We had a blast. We did 3 different time share presentations and got most of the food and activities for free. The time share presentations defiently weren't the highlight of the trip, but they only lasted about 90 minutes (the first one was only 2 minutes, no joke, that is why we went on the other ones) so it was worth it when you look at what we got in exchange. We would totally do it again. The boys played golf, us girls got massages, we got a ton of free food, free deep sea fishing, and some other things I can't remember it all. We had so much fun relaxing by the pool and the beach. The boys did some body surfing and the girls did some shopping while sunbathing.

So far we have had a great year. We are excited to be expanding our family. We find out in a week what we are having so that I will try to be prompt at posting what the baby is.