Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Well not actually but pretty darn close. We just had our baby measured, and that was a mistake because we found out that our baby is all head and no body. For Real! Like cartoonish size. We still love him just as much as we did on day one when we found out we were pregnant. So what am I talking about you ask? Let me just give you some figures. Body 36 percentile and Head size 85 percentile. Yeah he is going to be a genius. I'm talking Socrates, Bill Gates, and Einstein all mixed together. Sorry Amber because that head will be the first thing coming out. YIKES!


jfausett said...

I am sure you will have the smartest kid on the block, city, state and yes the country. Not the world because his eyes are not slanted enough to beat out those asian kids.
Dad & Mom

Lori said...

Don't worry, I think most people have big head babies. Gavin is sure a big head. Your son will grow into his head, I'm sure. :)