Friday, May 30, 2008

Weekly update

I think the biggest obstacle Amber and I see with this new blogging lifestyle is not having anything to say. So I am about to give you an update on our incredibly interesting week. We both went to work and came home this entire week. We planted some new plants in the front of the home and we went to see IronMan. Now we were both very against seeing this movie because we thought it would be another stupid comic book but finally gave in today because of all the great reviews. I will tell you if you have not seen it i would recommend going because it is very good.

Besides the movie and did I mention Shawn Heer getting kicked out of Brendon's soccer game over the weekend it was pretty boring. In Shawns defense I still really don't know what happened other than them having maybe the worst soccer referee ever. I will tell you this, it was the funniest thing I have seen in a pretty long time. Another Dad got kicked out as well for attempting to stick up for Shawn.....Can you say over board!


I think I need to correct some statements made earlier in my blog. While it is true I did shave my head, I did not, nor will I ever shave my head completely. I left it at my normal length of a 2. I think this looks good on me, I am comfortable with this amount of shortness and more likely than not, I will continue to keep this length until I am completely bald. Or until my wife makes me change it. : )

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Home Alone

Well just as the title reads, I am home alone this weekend. Amber has flown to Utah for her cousins wedding and left me here to my own devices. Normally this would end up being a disaster but this time I had plenty to do. So far today I have cleaned the kitchen, done the laundry, cleaned out the garage, gone for a nice bike ride, washed Amber's car and shaved my head. Oh I almost forgot I paid the bills and mowed the lawn as well. I wish everyone could see the lawn right now because it looks frickin good.

So what shall I do tomorrow? I really have no idea. I could finish painting the nursery, wash my truck, pick up after the dog in the back. I will probably just enjoy my time at home. Watch some golf and the Lakers game. <------- Going all the way. Man I am starving! Maybe I should eat something.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Well not actually but pretty darn close. We just had our baby measured, and that was a mistake because we found out that our baby is all head and no body. For Real! Like cartoonish size. We still love him just as much as we did on day one when we found out we were pregnant. So what am I talking about you ask? Let me just give you some figures. Body 36 percentile and Head size 85 percentile. Yeah he is going to be a genius. I'm talking Socrates, Bill Gates, and Einstein all mixed together. Sorry Amber because that head will be the first thing coming out. YIKES!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Unhealthy Dude

Well I have been waiting for a couple days now to hear the results of my blood test. Still no news, but last week my doctor told my I had high blood pressure. 160 over 110 Yikes! Pretty darn high. I have been having numbness in my arms and legs and lots of pain in my joints so Amber finally forced me to the doctor. The doc wants me to get an MRI but I am holding off until we hear the blood results.

On happier news.....I finally felt our baby kick. He kicks pretty darn hard which tells me he could very well be a Soccer player (not so exciting for me) sorry Brendon. Either way it was very cool, I am very happy to finally feel something. Maybe finally feeling the baby will drop the blood know, no more stress from my wife DEMANDING I place my hand on her belly for weeks.